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Showing 25 to 30 (of 230 items)
  • The 52nd Gate: Temporary and self-imposed inaction
    Ra Uru Hu BodyGraph Mechanics

    The 52nd Gate: Temporary and self-imposed inaction

    The Sacral keeps going until it’s exhausted. Its natural tendency is to be deeply, deeply connected simply to its energy flow. And the 52nd Gate says, ‘Will you sit down for a minute. Can’t you just sit down?’

  • The Channel of Concentration
    Ra Uru Hu BodyGraph Mechanics

    The Channel of Concentration

    In the Collective Logical sense, that moment of being still is the beginning of the growth of your consciousness.

  • Awareness Frequency
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Awareness Frequency

    Time. Time's one of those strange things that we deal with. We tend to have a need to sort of get everything to conform, you know, the homogenized world. But timings, timings are so different.

  • Lao Tzu and The Seven-Centered Way of Life
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Lao Tzu and The Seven-Centered Way of Life

    In reflecting on Lao Tzu, the thing that was interesting about him is that he had absolutely no faith in human beings. He had no faith in terms of what human beings and their minds were doing.

  • Can't Wear Your Costume Without Color
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Can't Wear Your Costume Without Color

    The Sun/Earth is 70% of who you are. This is your Profile. This is the costume, the grand role that you have on your Cross this time. Perfection is living out that role.

  • The Magnetic Monopole: The Heart and Soul of Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Magnetic Monopole: The Heart and Soul of Human Design

    I have the privilege of having lived long enough to see the substantiation of the underlying physics of imprinting—the neutrino with mass being scientifically verified—and the statistical verification of the division of humanity consistently into specific Types and Profiles.

Showing 25 to 30 (of 230 items)