Stories & Articles

Please enjoy our wide selection of free articles on a host of Human Design topics, including testimonials from you, our community.

  • The Influence of the Seven-Centered Being
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Influence of the Seven-Centered Being

    When I look at the seven-centered being, I look at what it brought us. The whole glory package was in here. This was the whole glory package, this mind, this glory, the absolute incredible glory of mind. And we can understand that. We can understand what it was like that the moment that we began to

  • Beyond Form: The Rave's Conscious Evolution
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Beyond Form: The Rave's Conscious Evolution

    We’re moving away from the form experience in the world and we’re moving to the consciousness experience beyond the world. That’s the potential of the Rave, to be a component of a consciousness experience that is beyond the form, not interested in the form, not interested in the demands, or needs of

  • The Pretentiousness of the Penta
    Ra Uru Hu Group Mechanics

    The Pretentiousness of the Penta

    Pentas show off. Pretentiousness is not personal to humans. You will not find a single Line in the 384 Lines of the Rave I’Ching, and I know because I wrote them, that says anything about pretentiousness. It’s a Penta attribute. It has nothing to do with us. Pentas are pretentious. They show off the

  • The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix: The 20/34
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix: The 20/34

    In 2027, we enter into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, and it is enormously different because it is predicated on this definition—the 20/34. This is deeply, deeply individual. It’s part of the Integration system. It is the backbone of pure selfish individuality. As a matter of fact, it is the

  • The I’Ching and the Hexagrams
    Ra Uru Hu Mandala Mechanics

    The I’Ching and the Hexagrams

    When I was first given the knowledge, and I’ve obviously been talking about that a lot recently, one of the areas that was integral to the knowledge and an area that I literally had absolutely no background in was the I’Ching.

  • 2027: A Frequency Shift, New Form of Awareness, and Why Human Design Exists Today
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A Frequency Shift, New Form of Awareness, and Why Human Design Exists Today

    We’re waiting for the tools. And oh boy, are we getting close, around 17 years from now (3 years from now since this was recorded in 2010); very close. Most of us, hopefully, will get to see that. I hope I’m around to see that...

  • Dilemmas of the Mystical Way
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Dilemmas of the Mystical Way

    This circuit, the Mystical Way, obviously could have many names. You could call it the mystical way, the spiritual way, the holy way, the natural way, the this or the that way, whatever you want to call it.

  • Rejection in a Manifestor’s Life
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Rejection in a Manifestor’s Life

    There's an enormous amount of rejection in a Manifestor's life and not all has to be real. That is, not all of it has to be obvious rejection.

  • The Potential of Dream Analysis
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Potential of Dream Analysis

    Most people, when they think about the potential of dream analysis, they’re just curious about whether you can decipher them into some kind of concrete meaning...

  • Tantric Channels, Kundalini, and the “Divine”
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Tantric Channels, Kundalini, and the “Divine”

    “Tantra” for most people is associated with sex. There were always these questions about what do you mean about these Tantric Channels...

  • Genetic Imperatives and the Urge for Connection
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Genetic Imperatives and the Urge for Connection

    We come to one of those places in looking at the basics of Human Design where we really come to the source of all the dilemmas, the problems, all of the things that make it so difficult for human beings...

  • The Epitome of What’s Possible in Profile: Natural Teaching vs. Mental Teaching
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Epitome of What’s Possible in Profile: Natural Teaching vs. Mental Teaching

    It all goes back to fear. The natural teachers are the 5/1s and the 4/1s ... But mental teaching that arises out of the 1/3 and the 1/4 is something that is totally different.

  • The Voice
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Voice

    The Voice for me—and again, I assume as we move along I will talk about some of these things because they‘re pertinent—the Voice was very powerful.

  • Lines Live Through the Holistic Life
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Lines Live Through the Holistic Life

    Everything to understand about these Lines is to understand it in the context of an audition, where you’re going to audition for a part in a film.

  • Sequencing Larger Cycles
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Sequencing Larger Cycles

    I was given a lot of information about many things, but larger cycles have always fascinated me the most. I’m much more interested in the organic whole or in large components of the organic whole than I am with the individual.

  • Aloneness
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations


    What it begins with is aloneness. Aloneness isn’t something that you’re educated to and I think that aloneness is something that is so important in this process.

  • North Node in 42 | Q4 2023
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    North Node in 42 | Q4 2023

    "And on the other hand, we have the topic of the 42. What do I need to stop, actually? What do I need to bring to a proper end, to a proper closing in order to regain some of my resources?"

  • Jupiter in 27 | Q4 2023
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Jupiter in 27 | Q4 2023

    "And finally the nourishment, a defense circuit gate that is very, very important. So if you have the 50, others will call that a very nice change in you."

  • Insects
    Ra Uru Hu The Design of Forms


    The thing that's so incredible about the insect world, is that they are so unbelievably existential. I mean, it would shame Buddha...

  • Plants
    Ra Uru Hu The Design of Forms


    The thing that's fascinating to me is the possibility that is there for us to benefit from our relationship with plants in an entirely new way.

  • The Single Cell
    Ra Uru Hu The Design of Forms

    The Single Cell

    And the 15/5, this Channel of patterns in different frequencies and rhythms is the very diversity of our cellular life.

  • The Inanimate
    Ra Uru Hu The Design of Forms

    The Inanimate

    In part 1 of the Design of Forms series, Ra Uru Hu discusses the Inanimate.

  • The Mutative System
    Ra Uru Hu BodyGraph Mechanics

    The Mutative System

    And as a freak, you spend most of your life trying to find acceptance for being a freak. Most people who are mutative never truly mutate and never bring real mutation into the world. It’s not such an easy piece of business.

  • The Abstract System
    Ra Uru Hu BodyGraph Mechanics

    The Abstract System

    The only time I began to understand how significant the Abstract process really is, was when I began to look deeply into the relationship between Human Design and genetics.

  • The 52nd Gate: Temporary and self-imposed inaction
    Ra Uru Hu BodyGraph Mechanics

    The 52nd Gate: Temporary and self-imposed inaction

    The Sacral keeps going until it’s exhausted. Its natural tendency is to be deeply, deeply connected simply to its energy flow. And the 52nd Gate says, ‘Will you sit down for a minute. Can’t you just sit down?’

  • The Channel of Concentration
    Ra Uru Hu BodyGraph Mechanics

    The Channel of Concentration

    In the Collective Logical sense, that moment of being still is the beginning of the growth of your consciousness.

  • Awareness Frequency
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Awareness Frequency

    Time. Time's one of those strange things that we deal with. We tend to have a need to sort of get everything to conform, you know, the homogenized world. But timings, timings are so different.

  • Lao Tzu and The Seven-Centered Way of Life
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Lao Tzu and The Seven-Centered Way of Life

    In reflecting on Lao Tzu, the thing that was interesting about him is that he had absolutely no faith in human beings. He had no faith in terms of what human beings and their minds were doing.

  • Can't Wear Your Costume Without Color
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Can't Wear Your Costume Without Color

    The Sun/Earth is 70% of who you are. This is your Profile. This is the costume, the grand role that you have on your Cross this time. Perfection is living out that role.

  • The Magnetic Monopole: The Heart and Soul of Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Magnetic Monopole: The Heart and Soul of Human Design

    I have the privilege of having lived long enough to see the substantiation of the underlying physics of imprinting—the neutrino with mass being scientifically verified—and the statistical verification of the division of humanity consistently into specific Types and Profiles.

  • The Path to Authenticity: Understanding Our True Nature
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Path to Authenticity: Understanding Our True Nature

    What is important for you to take from today is a new perspective, to begin to look at what the not-self is as a manifested existence, as a manifested form, to see it alive and well in the world around you.

  • The Way Begins with the Body
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    The Way Begins with the Body

    So 1st and 2nd Color beings, if you're going to enter onto the way, the way begins with your body; transformation starts with your diet. The catalyst is Strategy and Authority. It's always the same, that's the catalyst.

  • Insights into the Personal Impact of Saturn and Jupiter's Transits | Q2 2023
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Insights into the Personal Impact of Saturn and Jupiter's Transits | Q2 2023

    As we move through this quarter, from April 1 through June 30, Peter Schoeber guides us to gain a deeper understanding of how slower-moving planets will be impacting us on a personal level...

  • How Pluto's Transit is Impacting Business, the Economy, Politics, and Military Affairs
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    How Pluto's Transit is Impacting Business, the Economy, Politics, and Military Affairs

    As Pluto continues its transit of Gate 60, Limitation - The Gate of Acceptance, last quarter presented us with new challenges that humanity faces collectively...

  • Generators and Satisfaction
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Generators and Satisfaction

    But if you're a Generator, only when you are working in your life at something that is satisfying, only then do you have a chance in this life to find your Signature.

  • Will Humanity Disappear?
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Will Humanity Disappear?

    It's almost as if Neptune is the ultimate partner of the program pulling a sheath over the close of the process, smothering away from sight what's really going on, the degeneration, the breakdown and the dissolution of the human potential.

  • The Mechanics of Availability
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    The Mechanics of Availability

    Sexuality in human beings according to Human Design is based on two fundamental themes.

  • The Social Bargain Is Breaking Down
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Social Bargain Is Breaking Down

    After all, that's the only reason the bargain is there. I hope you get that. The only reason that the bargain is there is because there is a wave in the emotional system, and the bargain is an attempt to fix the wave.

  • The Completely Open Center is Defenseless
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    The Completely Open Center is Defenseless

    If you have a hanging gate you have something to literally hang on. But the moment that it’s totally open there is no defense.

  • The Personality Crystal, Design Crystal and the Magnetic Monopole
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Personality Crystal, Design Crystal and the Magnetic Monopole

    When you think about Design, a wonderful place to go is here in the center of the G Center, the identity. In here, we have what's called the Magnetic Monopole, that which holds us together in the illusion of our separateness

  • We're Not Here to Conform
    Ra Uru Hu Group Mechanics

    We're Not Here to Conform

    This is my whole thing. My whole thing is we're not here to conform. We're here to be unique beings. We're here to fulfill our unique potential.

  • The Possibility of Living Your Incarnation Cross
    Ra Uru Hu Mandala Mechanics

    The Possibility of Living Your Incarnation Cross

    What we're going to look at is what most people think is really exciting. In other words, “What is my Incarnation Cross?” And for me, the Incarnation Cross is like going to Craigslist.

  • The Nature of the Stars
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Nature of the Stars

    My first love in the Esoteric was the stars. It was really the first thing that in what was a time of sort of strangeness for me, it was the first thing that really got a hold of me.

  • US Midterm Elections | Q4 2022
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    US Midterm Elections | Q4 2022

    It's always an interesting attempt to look at the concrete event and try to understand how the transit field could influence that. And for our purpose, I have prepared two graphics.

  • Success in the Homogenized World
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Success in the Homogenized World

    One of the things that is so obvious about homogenization is that privilege is inherited, and the inheritance of privilege leads to class.

  • Jupiter in 25: Into the Unknown
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Jupiter in 25: Into the Unknown

    If you look at the Channel, the Ego connected with the G, this unlikely connection, what does the Ego have to do with the G? The Ego brings an energy or a power and the G brings an identity or a direction.

  • Finding a Balance between Left-ness and Right-ness
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Finding a Balance between Left-ness and Right-ness

    Each and every one of us, in the various balances that are there within our own Variable configuration, we all have to come to grips and find a balance between those qualities of Left-ness and Right-ness.

  • No One Has An Original Thought
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    No One Has An Original Thought

    Human beings are controlled mentally at every conceivable level. They're partitioned into little parts, they're set up. If it wasn't enough that your mind is going to have to deal with...

  • The Future: Individual Survival and the Material Plane
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Future: Individual Survival and the Material Plane

    The underlying institutions are already on sand now. All of them are beginning to break down in their capacity to be able to be of service. I just read an astounding thing that one out of 50 children in America...

  • Unaware Partnership
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Unaware Partnership

    The world is filled with unaware partnership. It’s very difficult to talk about the possibilities that are really there in partnership because in fact you need to have a real awareness in order to be able to operate correctly...

  • Uranus: A Game Changer
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Uranus: A Game Changer

    Then we have Uranus. Uranus of course, is our game changer. It's the counterpart to Neptune. While Neptune is dissolving in almost an invisible way, Uranus brings the new, very obvious like a thunder strike.

  • Our Sexuality Identity Is Under Pressure
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Our Sexuality Identity Is Under Pressure

    At the beginning of the 1960s we entered into the 1st Line theme of the global cycle. Global cycles work retrograde from the 6 back down to the 1, so we’re at the very end of what has been this era...

  • Closing the Door
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Closing the Door

    12 years ago, Ra recorded Closing the Door, the last lecture of his 15-lecture Rave History series. This is a collection of excerpts that reveal much of the prophecy we are now, evidently, experiencing.

  • Neptune in Gate 36: Crisis, Change, and New Emotional Experiences
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Neptune in Gate 36: Crisis, Change, and New Emotional Experiences

    If one has, for a long time, the Channel of Transitoriness, there will be some transitoriness, things will find its end and new things may start. And one also has to say, talking about the more, let's say, attractive part of that transit, that is that the whole Sensing Stream has a lot to do, of cou

  • Homo Sapiens in Transitus: We Are A Transitional Form
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Homo Sapiens in Transitus: We Are A Transitional Form

    One of the most fascinating premises in Human Design is the mutation that took place in 1781. That mutation, by the way, was very much the by-product of heat, but I don’t want to get too deeply into it..

  • 2027: A New Dawn For Relationships
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    2027: A New Dawn For Relationships

    There is something really profound that is at work, and it’s been at work for a very long time and it's changed our nature.

  • Change Your Environment: Take Control of Your Health
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Change Your Environment: Take Control of Your Health

    The first 30 years of a nine-centered being is just eating correctly and being raised according to your Type. That’s the only requirement in the first 30 years. It’s only at 30 that you begin to set your life in motion. So we’re making up time in that sense.

  • The Heart Center: THE Not-Self
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    The Heart Center: THE Not-Self

    We have a funny thing, this Heart Center, this little box there, this little triangle. There is nothing in the BodyGraph that is more complex. It is so complex and dense in its biological values, it's unlike anything that is there in the BodyGraph.

  • How Pluto in 60 is Shaping Our Future
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    How Pluto in 60 is Shaping Our Future

    “Obviously, when I told you the last time with Pluto in 60 the party is over, we all may not have expected such a fast change of things again.”

  • The True Teacher: Profile Motivation
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The True Teacher: Profile Motivation

    This is the Science of Differentiation. Here is the opportunity to really begin to see Profile and to really begin to see the costume. It’s one of my favorite things to think about when you think about Profile, it’s a costume.

  • Connection in Relationships
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Connection in Relationships

    We’re all fascinated with our connection with the other. Most novices in Human Design are fascinated with seeing their chart connected to somebody else’s chart. It’s revelatory at that level.

  • All Roads Lead to the Throat Center
    Ra Uru Hu General

    All Roads Lead to the Throat Center

    It is so interesting for me going back to the original Rave Anatomy text and seeing where my priorities were at that time. After all, it was put together in the early ‘90s. In laying it out, I was laying out the basic infrastructure of how I would teach people the nature of the BodyGraph.

  • The Wheel is a Calendar
    Ra Uru Hu Mandala Mechanics

    The Wheel is a Calendar

    If we look at Valentine's Day, and I want to begin with Valentine's Day because I think that this is the initial marker for the opening of the most ancient mating season that we have as a species.

  • What Motivates Your Mind?
    Ra Uru Hu General

    What Motivates Your Mind?

    It has been one of my concerns that has evolved over the last number of years about the problems associated with what we call mind. Everything about the realm of mind is what the passenger interprets as its life.

  • Hey, did you have a good year?
    Ra Uru Hu Rave New Year

    Hey, did you have a good year?

    My theme today—because we've been looking at the Sun moving through these Gates that close out the cycle and as we approach the Rave New Year, which again, remember, will be on the 22nd of the month—we now have, and have had the Sun in the 61st Gate.

  • Venus Retrograde | Q1 2022
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Venus Retrograde | Q1 2022

    So, Venus retrograde means what? Venus is very much about the personal life, and not only about relationships, but very much about relationships and the possible harmony in relationships...

  • Jupiter in 63 | Q1 2022
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Jupiter in 63 | Q1 2022

    A Personal Perspective Excerpt: "Then we have a great change of topic, 63. Now if you have Gate 4, that is a great transit for you. I mean, doubt is not, how shall I say, it's not comfortable, it is making us insecure, it is skeptical questions...

  • Saturn in 49 | Q1 2022
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Saturn in 49 | Q1 2022

    A Collective Perspective Excerpt: "Then comes the revolution. And to combine the 49 with Saturn is not so easy. I mean, if you use the term revolution, you think people on the barricades, like the Bourgeois revolution…

  • Why Look at the Mundane New Year?
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Why Look at the Mundane New Year?

    So, what does the mundane New Year show us? Why should we have a look at it? I'm convinced that we can look at the BodyGraph of the mundane New Year the same way we look at the Rave Return or the Solar Return which we know from the individual analysis.

  • Love Yourself
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Love Yourself

    When I began my process as a teacher, introducing Human Design, I had this lovely mantra: "You are unique, you have no choice, love yourself."

  • Sailing Neutrino Seas
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Sailing Neutrino Seas

    It began in the imagination of Wolfgang Pauli. I mean, he was trying to solve some basic principles of physics and couldn't come up with a solution and basically invented something that would satisfy the demands of the equation.

  • Unnecessary Pain
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Unnecessary Pain

    The moment that anybody can give up attaching reasons to chemistry is the moment that you really begin the journey of an aware being on this plane. It is such a beautiful thing to be aware. You do not have unnecessary pain.

  • A New Epoch
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    A New Epoch

    The next epoch will take with it what it takes with it, but it will live what is programmed. We have 20 years to close the door. There’s 20 years for science to verify the monopole. There’s 20 years for me to prove incarnation.

  • Passenger Consciousness
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Passenger Consciousness

    The beauty of this process at its deepest level is to reconnect you with you. And what I mean by that is the moment that the mind stops being your decision maker it has to be busy with something; mind is always busy, it's watching.

  • The 2nd Tone: Attuned to Mutation
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The 2nd Tone: Attuned to Mutation

    This is the whole thing about the 2nd Tone. It's the thing that makes us so mysterious as creatures because it's the only thing we have that can recognize something that's never been recognized before.

  • The Transformation of the Form
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    The Transformation of the Form

    What happened to me in this process is that I took the dualistic trail; I'm a dualist. On one side, there is the mystery of the Design Crystal. It is truly an incredible thing, the way in which the form principle unfolds.

  • Saturn in 41 | Q4 2021
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Saturn in 41 | Q4 2021

    A Personal Perspective Excerpt from Transit Forecast | Q4 2021 — "Okay, Saturn in the 41st Gate. So, we have the ‘Decrease,' and the decrease will be most important for the ones who have Gate 30."

  • Neptune in 22 | Q4 2021
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Neptune in 22 | Q4 2021

    A Collective Perspective Excerpt from Transit Forecast | Q4 2021 — And now looking at Neptune. This is something similar, but not so early. Neptune is still in a retrograde movement and will go direct on December 1, so definitely still in that Quarter.

  • Understand the Design to Understand Lines
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Understand the Design to Understand Lines

    There are so many different things that I can show you in relationship to Lines. Again, it begins with something that is very important to grasp. That is, the assumption is that you read a Line for its own value, but you can’t.

  • The Importance of Dietary Regimen
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    The Importance of Dietary Regimen

    What is so essential to the digestive system, when you digest food correctly according to your determination, what basically happens is that no matter what you take in, because this isn’t about food...

  • The Penta and Materialism
    Ra Uru Hu Group Mechanics

    The Penta and Materialism

    Philosophically, in my life I have listened to all sides of the discussion of human materialism, material societies, hyper material societies, material-less societies, the arguments back and forth about the nature of materialism.

  • Seven-Centered Gods
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Seven-Centered Gods

    Something very profound to understand about our ancestors is that you have nothing in common with anyone born before 1781, despite the illusion. You have a totally different inner system. You're wired differently.

  • The 14th Step
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The 14th Step

    The whole thing to understand about the 14th Gate is that it carries within it all of the material potential of humanity, and it is the material potential of humanity in the sense that we understand it as energy, as money, as the material way, as the material path in life.

  • Love Yourself (and your hanging gates)
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Love Yourself (and your hanging gates)

    The biggest job is to love yourself. If you love yourself, you don't need anybody else's love. This is a wonderful thing. Love should be a treat, it should be the candy. It should be something really delicious.

  • How Pluto in Gate 61 Affects You | Q3 2021
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    How Pluto in Gate 61 Affects You | Q3 2021

    A Personal Perspective Excerpt from Transit Forecast | Q3 2021 — "So now we'll look at exactly the same transit field, but with different eyes from the individual perspective. And there of course, we have to look at different variations…

  • Uranus in the 2nd Gate | A New Direction
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    Uranus in the 2nd Gate | A New Direction

    A Collective Perspective Excerpt from Transit Forecast | Q3 2021 — Our second constant is Uranus. Uranus has shifted very late during the last Quarter into Gate 2, so that is a relatively new activation. It has not been there for 84 years.

  • Strategy and Authority Leads to Uniqueness
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Strategy and Authority Leads to Uniqueness

    The determination of your body is a genetic predisposition to form differentiation. What that means very simply is that each and every one of us is born to be unique.

  • Why the Title Is Wa Immersion
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Why the Title Is Wa Immersion

    Let me begin by talking about why this is called Wa Immersion. Wa is a trans-auric form. We are a pure Wa here in this room, all of us together, the 16 of us. This is a Wa configuration, and it has its own aura.

  • The Rave: Shared Consciousness
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Rave: Shared Consciousness

    The Rave is only going to have about 1300 years. It’s going to be a small population to begin with. It has very peculiar circumstances which are going to limit the amount of potential that they actually have to flourish and they are going to have to learn how to operate as a melded consciousness.

  • Addictions to the Sacral
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Addictions to the Sacral

    One of the ways I want to look at this today is to take a kind of radical perspective to see the relationship between non-Sacral beings and the Sacral world as an addiction. I think it’s very important that non-Sacral beings really understand how powerful the addiction to the Sacral Center actually

  • Sacral Availability
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Sacral Availability

    When you’re looking at the nature of the Sacral, what I really want you to see are two things: The most important thing is the magnetic power of the Sacral aura.

  • Personality Sun: Filter of the Neutrino Ocean
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Personality Sun: Filter of the Neutrino Ocean

    When you’re looking at your Personality Sun, what it’s saying is, “I’m the filter of this ocean. And I will filter this ocean according to my uniqueness.”

  • The Importance of Understanding the Transit Field
    Peter Schoeber Transits

    The Importance of Understanding the Transit Field

    We normally say that the most important conditioning influences are the people in our lives. That’s true. But if you have somebody close to you, if somebody is together in the same space with you, you are aware of it...

  • Projectors: One Person at a Time
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Projectors: One Person at a Time

    You have to understand what you are as a force. There is nothing like being one-on-one with a Projector. If you have to get something off your chest, there is nothing better than having a Projector in front of you...

  • The Bargains of the Background Frequency
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Bargains of the Background Frequency

    It’s interesting to note that the moment we entered into the Cross of Planning we had the largest population explosion in our history, which will crash the moment that the Cross of Planning is over...

  • Parvati: Pressure and Stress
    Ra Uru Hu Mandala Mechanics

    Parvati: Pressure and Stress

    If you listen to my radio show today on stress, it was inspired by preparing the illustration for Serin. You’ve got five Root Gates. So, the first thing to understand about sweet old Parvati is that she is a chemistry of pressure and stress.

  • Living Life for Yourself
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Living Life for Yourself

    The biggest achievement that you have in your life is your experimentation with Strategy and Authority, because that's really an amazing thing when you look at the world out there and you begin to understand how dense conditioning really is.

  • Mind Stands in the Way
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    Mind Stands in the Way

    One of the great dilemmas that you’re going to face as we move along in this journey is understanding that what stands in the way is mind. As long as your mind is going to be in charge of your decision making process...

  • We are Here to See Uniquely
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    We are Here to See Uniquely

    You want to see? You have to see from a platform that's correct, because the moment that your vehicle is correct, the moment that you’re in the right environment is the moment you've got the right perspective. And then you can see.

  • Human Violence
    Ra Uru Hu Group Mechanics

    Human Violence

    It’s an amazing thing about the nature of human violence. It was one of the things in my own studies that I’ve tried to look at and see and discover many themes in the mechanics.

  • Trans-Auric Forms Condition Humanity
    Ra Uru Hu Group Mechanics

    Trans-Auric Forms Condition Humanity

    The reality is the world is dominated by trans-auric forms. Most of the things we think are ugly in human beings aren’t in your personal chart, have never been in your personal chart. But they come alive in trans-auric forms.

  • Humans Needed the Mystical Way
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Humans Needed the Mystical Way

    It’s extraordinary, this search, and we see it in so many ways. Whether you see it as esoteric, New Age, counterculture, traditional, this and that and all the various things, this is the end of it.

  • The Gates of Fear: 18 & 28
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Gates of Fear: 18 & 28

    This fear of Authority begins with the archetype of the mother and the father. The 18th Gate is the Oedipus-Electra Gate. It is here that we begin to examine the opposite sex, that we begin to challenge whether...

  • Tapping into your Life Force
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Tapping into your Life Force

    At the very basis of Human Design is a goal — the goal to liberate the self, the being, the unique being, the individual. And of course, the only way you can do that is you have to move away from mind, because...

  • Stop Wondering about Yourself and Just Watch
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Stop Wondering about Yourself and Just Watch

    I talked about that when I finally understood and looked at my emotional system, and the various streams of sexuality and the way it operated within myself, it was an enormous relief to see it for what it is, and without any judgment.

  • The Human Experiential Way
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Human Experiential Way

    I’m somebody who is very much interested in and has investigated rather deeply the evolutionary process, and the evolutionary process as it’s seen through mechanics. It’s clear to me that the advent of the...

  • The Practicality of Rave Cosmology
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Practicality of Rave Cosmology

    There are two very practical things involved in this program. The first one is that I‘m a mystic; if I‘m anything, I‘m a mystic. I‘m somebody who had a bizarre mystical experience...

  • The Costumes of Life
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Costumes of Life

    Profile is an extraordinary thing. It is really the costume of life, it is the costume of your purpose. And in saying that, it is something to grasp about the nature of Profile. Everyone, no matter who they are...

  • Bypassing the Decision-Making Mind
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    Bypassing the Decision-Making Mind

    Everything about Human Design can get distilled down to a number of things. The first thing is to understand that all of this is about being able to deal with your mind. It’s about being able to replace your decision-making mind with another mechanism that you can use and trust.

  • Our Concept of the Material Plane Is a Lie
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Our Concept of the Material Plane Is a Lie

    If we operated correctly on this plane, nobody would be without. And not that it would be some kind of socialist utopia; it has nothing do with that. It’s simply that nobody would really be without.

  • How to Nourish Your Difference
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    How to Nourish Your Difference

    The right dietary regimen enhances the neural development. It doesn't close it down. Because what's happening to you when you eat according to your dietary regimen is that you're taking in precisely what is correct for you to nourish your difference.

  • The 26th Gate and Bird Flu
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The 26th Gate and Bird Flu

    When you look at this Design, you see that the whole world of birds, reptiles and fish, the whole community of them world-wide, is opened up to anything that is going to sit in the 26th Gate (including transits).

  • The Phoenicians
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Phoenicians

    “I'll tell you a story; it's always nice to tell a story. My mystical process began with me disappearing from North America and ending up on this little island in the Mediterranean, which at that time...

  • Strategic Communion and Lies
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Strategic Communion and Lies

    It’s one of the things I’ve talked about over the years, what it means to have your inner Authority separated from your mental system. Think about what it really means when your mind is both Inner and Outer Authority.

  • The Emergence of Magic
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Emergence of Magic

    Let's go back thousands of years to the beginning of the story, to the emergence of magic. What’s it really about? It begins with understanding just the BodyGraph mechanism. We are looking at two Gates...

  • Be Present
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Be Present

    “Be here now” is a popularized philosophy Ram Dass, an American spiritual teacher, is well known for—but is it something everyone can live by? Why do we have difficulties with being present?

  • Our Profile Roles
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Our Profile Roles

    Everybody‘s role changes depending on whether they are in a collective situation, an individual situation, or a tribal situation. All the work that I do on expanding the understanding of the Personality is to bring everybody the opportunity to see the mapping of how they operate.

  • Variable: The Blueprint of Brain, Body, and Mind
    Tom Bonoma The Four Transformations

    Variable: The Blueprint of Brain, Body, and Mind

    We all have times when we notice our mind is working well, and we also tend to be more familiar than we’d like with the times our mind doesn’t seem to work at all. In such moments we can find ourselves wondering...

  • The Channel
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Channel

    There's so much information available that when you're looking at a Design, the simple things in Human Design are often left behind and at great risk because despite its depth, it is in fact simple knowledge...

  • 1781: The Beginning of a New Process
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    1781: The Beginning of a New Process

    The first real esoteric knowledge about the nature of a being was introduced by the Hindu Brahmans. It was the 7 chakra system, the 7-centered being. The process of the 7-centered being is what our history is...

  • The Fates and Gate 30
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Fates and Gate 30

    Logic is always seeking the perfect pattern, and the perfect pattern is possible. But for the Abstract, there can be no such thing.

  • Self-Love
    Ra Uru Hu General


    I think often there's a great deal of confusion about what I mean when I ask people, in a sense remind them, to love themselves. Self-love is really an incredible thing; I think it is one of the rarest things that we have on the planet.

  • Seekers
    Ra Uru Hu General


    I've seen so many seekers at this point in my career that in some ways, it's disheartening. There is a Channel in the BodyGraph, the 11/56, which is the Channel of Curiosity. It’s the Design of the Seeker...

  • Giving Children Their Own Authority
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Giving Children Their Own Authority

    We need children to be awakened; they’re going to carry the energy into the future. They’re the ones who are going to have to deal with the great mutation of 2027 and live in a world that is radically different.

  • Success on the Material Plane
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Success on the Material Plane

    One of those old jokes that I've had in my teachings of Human Design over the years is that basically, you can create any title—better sex, better this, better that, whatever the case may be—in the end, it really comes down to the same thing: It comes down to operating correctly.

  • The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design

    One of the core aspects, and most extraordinary mysteries of Human Design is the Magnetic Monopole. Within the framework of Human Design, the neutrino and the magnetic monopole allow us to reliably look at how we operate, and the ways the world operates.

  • Introduction to the Gates of Melancholy
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Introduction to the Gates of Melancholy

    As someone who has dealt with melancholy all of my life, and spent most of my life not understanding the nature of melancholy, simply manifesting my way through it, Human Design finally gave me an insight into...

  • The Background Frequency Will Change the Way We Bond
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Background Frequency Will Change the Way We Bond

    The thing about the background frequency is that it’s going to eliminate one of the basic elements of how human beings operate, which is through sexual allure.

  • The Door Closes in a Few Years
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Door Closes in a Few Years

    The glue of the Cross of Planning has held together our lives for the last 400 years. But there will soon be no inherent need, drive, or purpose fulfilled through coming together to protect that way of life.

  • The Moon and Pluto: Reviewing 2018 Transits
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    The Moon and Pluto: Reviewing 2018 Transits

    2018 was the third year in a row that Gate 36, Crisis, was activated in the Rave New Year transits. It was a year in which one crisis led to another, as the world watched the collective drive of 6th line themes of Justice.

  • The Role of Mutation & The Rave New Year Transit 3-60
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    The Role of Mutation & The Rave New Year Transit 3-60

    This year we have Mercury and the South Node in Gate 60.1 Acceptance, in detriment; and, Uranus in Gate 3.3 Survival. Children born this year, with this transit of the 3-60, are going to bring to life...

  • Rave Year 2018 – A Look in Review through the Nodal View Points
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    Rave Year 2018 – A Look in Review through the Nodal View Points

    Looking back at the Rave New Year 2018 transits, there are some specific themes that played out on the global stage which are worth a review to gain some perspective on the Rave Year transits and their potential influences.

  • The Beauty of The Mundane
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Beauty of The Mundane

    There’s always people who come up to me or write to me and want to tell me their stories. Mystical experiences, esoteric experiences, unusual experiences that they’ve had.

  • A Simple Guide to Variable
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    A Simple Guide to Variable

    Variable is about the ‘box’, it’s about the mind. It’s actually not even about the mind but what's behind the mind, and becoming what's behind the mind. Let me explain to you first what Variable actually is.

  • The Domain of the Dreamer
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Domain of the Dreamer

    We spend approximately a third of our lives asleep. It seems to be something that is built into nature. There are different forms of life that sleep, and yet, at the same time, science really doesn’t have an explanation.

  • The Source of Paranormal Entities
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Source of Paranormal Entities

    Everything Human Design teaches about the Personality Crystal is that we basically live in a Personality shell. To really grasp that we are limited by the way in which we can perceive frequency...

  • Don’t Make Decisions with the Mind
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    Don’t Make Decisions with the Mind

    The moment that you live your life according to your mind, making decisions according to your mind, there’s just no way you’ll be able to fulfill the potential that is there for you.

  • The Catalyst to Transformation
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    The Catalyst to Transformation

    The moment that you’re living according to your Strategy and Authority you are giving your aura the respect and attention it needs. But, Strategy and Authority is a catalyst. At that level...

  • Manifestor Strategy: To Inform
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Manifestor Strategy: To Inform

    Manifestors are told that their strategy is to Inform. That seems so simple: Tell people what you're going to do before you do it, and you won't meet resistance. But that's not what life has taught them...

  • The Cross of Sleeping Phoenix
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Cross of Sleeping Phoenix

    We have a dilemma: we're dealing with a mutative process that is taking place in the Solar Plexus Center. The 55th Gate and the 49th Gate, as they are both the histidine codon, share similar chemistry.

  • Logic and Perfection
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Logic and Perfection

    Logic has something that no other form of awareness has: It can actually pursue perfection.

  • Uniqueness
    Ra Uru Hu General


    Living Your Design is not about “Well, why should I do that?” or “Why does that work?” If you don't know why you should do it, then you probably shouldn't be here in the first place.

  • Split Definitions teach us How to be in a Partnership
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Split Definitions teach us How to be in a Partnership

    The split definition can teach others how to be in a partnership because they know what's missing. They know what it means to have someone make an enormous difference in their lives.

  • The Influence of Dreams
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Influence of Dreams

    The work in DreamRave includes the ability to understand the actual mechanism of the sleep state, and the mechanical ways in which we are being conditioned and homogenized in that process.

  • Treating Your Child According to Their Nature
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Treating Your Child According to Their Nature

    An excerpt from “A Human Design Guide to Parenting” by Ra Uru Hu: "Nothing has disturbed me more over the years than to see the relationship between parents and children, where the parents simply do not see the child..."

  • Your Truth
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Your Truth

    Are you willing to trust someone else about what is correct for you in your life?

  • The Mind is Not for Decision Making
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    The Mind is Not for Decision Making

    Human Design says something that has never been said before: “Your mind is not for decision making.” That’s all the mind has ever been, the decision maker.

  • Projectors
    Ra Uru Hu Type


    In 1781, something new happened: It’s called Projector. We live in a world where Projectors are truly on the ascendancy, now representing about 1/5 of humanity.

  • Defining Definition in Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Defining Definition in Human Design

    When I first began introducing Human Design, Definition was the very bedrock of what I tried to explain to people. It really was a way of beginning to introduce what it means to be imprinted...

  • The Third Transformation: Perspective
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    The Third Transformation: Perspective

    Perhaps one of the most insightful aspects about this knowledge is the ability to see exactly how the unique mind works, both as Not-Self and in terms of its potential as differentiated awareness.

  • Rave History: Pluto Interregnum
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Rave History: Pluto Interregnum

    Welcome to Rave History. Today is all about Pluto. Poor Pluto has been publicly shamed by the world astronomical society and reduced from being a planet to a dwarf. I don't think Pluto is deeply appreciative of that...

  • Trust in Your Body’s Consciousness
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Trust in Your Body’s Consciousness

    You have to trust in the form consciousness, because if you don't allow your vehicle to run your life, you're lost in the old model. There will be no transformation, there will be no awakening.

  • Environment and Health
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Environment and Health

    In many ways, environment sets you irreversibly on a new course of consciousness. It is one of the most beautiful things I have seen in all the years I’ve worked with this knowledge: the Design Nodes.

  • Falling in Love
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Falling in Love

    Musings by Ra Uru Hu • December 2003: "So much has been written and said about the nature of Love..."

  • Love and Acceptance
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Love and Acceptance

    Time for a moment on love. Let's look at love from a totally different perspective. Let's just think about it for a moment as choiceless geometries. Like two birds flying along in space together...

  • Digestion
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations


    One of the most extraordinary things about the knowledge of Human Design is understanding that each of us have a unique way in which we are designed to take nutrition into our body.

  • Reviewing Rave Year 2017
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    Reviewing Rave Year 2017

    Looking back at 2017, there are some specific themes from last year’s Rave New Year transit that I observed as they played out on the global stage that are worth a review.

  • How to use the Rave New Year 2018
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    How to use the Rave New Year 2018

    We are used to thinking of the New Year as a time to make resolutions, to look forward to a better version of ourselves. We even say, “Have a Happy New Year”; as if wishing it would make the whole package of change and happiness come true.

  • The Rave New Year: Stage 3 and 4
    Ra Uru Hu Rave New Year

    The Rave New Year: Stage 3 and 4

    When you get to the Sun in Gate 61, Inner Truth, and on the other side Gate 62 (the facts please, just the facts), you look back and see whether purpose and spirit have been fulfilled.

  • The Rave New Year: Stage 1 and 2
    Ra Uru Hu Rave New Year

    The Rave New Year: Stage 1 and 2

    From the moment I was given the knowledge, I began this very long process of trying to get as many people as I could to understand that December 31 is not the end of the Solar cycle.

  • For now: Survival is Funny and Life is Serious
    Ra Uru Hu General

    For now: Survival is Funny and Life is Serious

    It is an ancient debate, a classic duality: Comedy and Tragedy. There is the proverbial banana peel, the one who slips on it has a tragic fall and the witness can’t help but laugh.

  • The Penta
    Ra Uru Hu The Design of Forms

    The Penta

    We are all born into Pentas, we go to school in them, we work in them – Penta is very much a part of the nature of being. The trans-auric form is something that almost smacks of science fiction until you...

  • The Magic of the BodyGraph
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Magic of the BodyGraph

    For me, the BodyGraph is really the most fantastic aspect of the Human Design System. It is the only aspect of the mechanical construct that is truly original.

  • Generators
    Ra Uru Hu Type


    Generators… Everything about being a Generator is about how you use your energy. You are THE energy beings, you are THE life force on the planet.

  • The Mechanics of Death
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Mechanics of Death

    I was given the design, or mechanics, of the various forms: the forms of bio-life, inanimate forms and trans-auric forms. I was also given something else: the knowledge about the mechanics of death.

  • Signposts
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts


    When I began this series of looking at Profile, I began with the concept of the signpost, and I want to return to that.

  • Melancholy and Mutation
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Melancholy and Mutation

    "It doesn't mean that the sadness goes away, but it means that the sadness itself can be interpreted as something beneficial. In other words, it becomes your muse."

  • Left-ness and Right-ness in Traditional Education
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Left-ness and Right-ness in Traditional Education

    One of the major problems we have in education is that it is based on a methodology that is rooted in, what in Design terms is called, the Strategic.

  • Incarnation Cross, Purpose, and the Unique Life
    Leela Swann-Herbert Human Design Concepts

    Incarnation Cross, Purpose, and the Unique Life

    Purpose is an interesting concept for the mind; that there must be some higher valuation than the physical life of the body, a reason for this personal existence, and that there is something that must be done or accomplished.

  • What Does Human Design Do for You?
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    What Does Human Design Do for You?

    I’m often asked a lot of questions, obviously, about Human Design. And I think one of the most basic questions anyone asks is, what does it really do for you?

  • 2027: A View through Neptune’s Veil
    Leela Swann-Herbert 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A View through Neptune’s Veil

    Neptune’s role in The Program is deeply veiled, working below the surface of the Gate at the genetic level; while at the surface, this planet puts forth an illusion, a glamour, that is often misinterpreted...

  • 2027: A New Cycle
    Leela Swann-Herbert 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A New Cycle

    The financial crash of September 29, 2008 was the moment I realized that 2027 wasn’t a singular event, but rather would be a point along a continuum of evolutionary changes that was observable.

  • The DreamRave
    Andrea Abay-Abay Human Design Concepts

    The DreamRave

    Dream Interpretation and the role of nighttime dreams are viewed quite differently in the Human Design System from how they are portrayed in mainstream science of dream interpretation.

  • Kinds of Definition
    Andrea Abay-Abay Human Design Concepts

    Kinds of Definition

    Definition is what is consistent and reliable within us; it is what creates our Type and determines our Strategy and Authority. Here is a basic overview of the Kinds of Definition you will encounter.

  • Open Heart
    Ra Uru Hu Mind and Conditioning

    Open Heart

    When I look at all of the openness that’s there in somebody's design, it is clear to me that the undefined Ego is what really creates the deepest dilemmas in humanity as a whole.

  • Living with Feeling: A Field Guide to the Solar Plexus
    Leela Swann-Herbert Human Design Concepts

    Living with Feeling: A Field Guide to the Solar Plexus

    Living with feeling can be a dilemma. In the past 18 years of experimenting with Human Design, I’ve found a few field notes helpful for the defined Solar Plexus person, and those who choose to live with them.

  • An Introduction to Hexagram Line Substructure: Color
    Andrea Abay-Abay The Four Transformations

    An Introduction to Hexagram Line Substructure: Color

    Color gives you a powerful tool to help you live as yourself, stay healthy, and take your Human Design experiment and the experience of your life to a deeper level.

  • Commentary on Parenting
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Commentary on Parenting

    It's an extraordinary thing to understand the nature of your child's design, I know this myself. It allows you to be free of all of the uncertainties and concerns that arise out of what it is to be a parent.

  • Chasing Shadows
    Leela Swann-Herbert Mind and Conditioning

    Chasing Shadows

    "The dilemma of the mind is that even when the form is aligned to its correct path in life, the mind continues to chase the shadows, and believe that the stories found in the shadows are real."

  • Global Cycles
    Andrea Abay-Abay 2027 and Global Cycles

    Global Cycles

    Through the Human Design System, Ra brought us knowledge of how to understand not only the mechanisms of our individual being but also the global programming cycles affecting all of us.

  • Human Design Parenting Guidance
    Andrea Abay-Abay Relationships and Parenting

    Human Design Parenting Guidance

    Imagine a world where children grow up appreciated and respected for who they are, feeling secure in themselves instead of learning they should be something other than what they are.

  • The Future of Humanity is in Our Hands
    Leela Swann-Herbert Relationships and Parenting

    The Future of Humanity is in Our Hands

    Every Human Design parent wants to raise their children correctly. The great dilemma that faces 9-centered parents is that guiding children is not the same as learning your own design.

  • Debunking 5 Common Myths about Generators and the Sacral Center
    Leela Swann-Herbert Type

    Debunking 5 Common Myths about Generators and the Sacral Center

    From examining the truth about Generator Strategy, to explaining how to recognize a Sacral response, this article is going to demystify five common myths about Generators and the Sacral Center.

  • Radical Transformation: Is It Correct For Me? Part 2 – Transforming the Personality Experience
    Leela Swann-Herbert The Four Transformations

    Radical Transformation: Is It Correct For Me? Part 2 – Transforming the Personality Experience

    This article continues this exploration with personality-related awareness benefits or aha moments, which have arisen through practice with these mechanical tools and observational skills...

  • Radical Transformation: Is It Correct For Me? Part 1 – Transforming the Body Experience
    Leela Swann-Herbert The Four Transformations

    Radical Transformation: Is It Correct For Me? Part 1 – Transforming the Body Experience

    When Ra first introduced the tools of Radical Transformation through the Variables, he commented that only a small group of individuals who discover Human Design will go on to realize their potential...

  • The Rave New Year Forecast and The Program: A Practical Tool for Awareness
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    The Rave New Year Forecast and The Program: A Practical Tool for Awareness

    The Program is a practical tool in your awareness development process for this lifetime. How can you understand what it is, how to use it, and how to learn from it? The Rave New Year Forecast can provide...

  • A Human Design Thanksgiving
    Lynda Bunnell General

    A Human Design Thanksgiving

    The concept behind Thanksgiving is similar to the other celebrations around the world. There are many ways cultures come together to show thanks during the fall season.

  • The Not-Self! What is it?
    Lynda Bunnell Mind and Conditioning

    The Not-Self! What is it?

    What is the Not-Self according to Human Design? Is it a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? No. It just is. It is something that we live with, that we co-exist with.

  • Profile Compatibility
    Lynda Bunnell Human Design Concepts

    Profile Compatibility

    I saw a recent post on Facebook asking about Profile compatibility, and this is the first time in a while I felt compelled to write a response.

  • The Projector and Differentiated Awareness
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Type

    The Projector and Differentiated Awareness

    In the not-self world, being a non-energy type is a deep handicap that has to be compensated with smartness. You have no muscle? Well then get yourself some brains.

  • The Power of Questions
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio General

    The Power of Questions

    Born on the Cross of Consciousness, with definition everywhere between the Head and Ajna centers (except for Gate 24) I truly am someone who’s life has been transformed as I changed my attitude towards questions.

  • The Quarter of Civilization
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Mandala Mechanics

    The Quarter of Civilization

    The 'Quarter of Civilization' is the place in the wheel where we find 16 gates whose purpose can only be fulfilled when it materializes itself into some FORM.

  • Quarter of Initiation
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Mandala Mechanics

    Quarter of Initiation

    Like the other three quarters, the Quarter of Initiation is divided in two halves by one of the 4 gates that make up the cross of the Vessel of Love.

  • Quarter of Mutation - Purpose fulfilled through Transformation
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Mandala Mechanics

    Quarter of Mutation - Purpose fulfilled through Transformation

    With all certainty the ‘Quarter of Mutation’ is generally the most easily misunderstood and yet prone to lead to misjudgement and false generalizations.

  • The Face of Michael and the theme of Justice
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Mandala Mechanics

    The Face of Michael and the theme of Justice

    Like in any other quarter, the line of transition into the Godhead that embodies the principles of Love for the entire quarter is a very important marker of all the unresolved human dilemmas that cast their shadow unto the first half of each quarter.

  • Mitra's Face and the Power of Questions
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Mandala Mechanics

    Mitra's Face and the Power of Questions

    "I only learned to love the endless paradox that reveals that ‘Knowledge is not Power’ through the beauty of Human Design coming into my life."

  • Kali’s Face and Valentine’s Day
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio Mandala Mechanics

    Kali’s Face and Valentine’s Day

    For the last two years I have been introducing students in four different languages to the distortive power that these conditioning forces have always had over the human personality

  • Waking up to the Illusion of Self
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio General

    Waking up to the Illusion of Self

    Waking up through the pain of separation is the Karma of the Not-Self, but the Sleeping Phoenix always returns to the natural Abundance of a half-full half-empty spirited Vessel.

  • Eusociality: The Common Link between Human and Insect
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio General

    Eusociality: The Common Link between Human and Insect

    One of the most heretical statements that I heard come out of Ra Uru Hu in his later years was when he said that “the family is not human”.

  • Don’t Believe Me
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Don’t Believe Me

    During my reading with Ra, he told me “Don’t believe me. You experiment and find out for yourself.”

  • 20 Years Later
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    20 Years Later

    I had my reading with Ra Uru Hu when I was 46 and now I’m 66. Sometimes it is difficult to remember who it was that sat down next to him.

  • Waiting is the Space between Particles
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Waiting is the Space between Particles

    Waiting. How hard it is to wait. Just go to any grocery store with a slow cashier and a long line. Or a traffic jam. Or delays at the airport. Or...

  • The Journey from Distorted to Clean
    Mary Ann Winiger Mind and Conditioning

    The Journey from Distorted to Clean

    There is something quite beautiful in the process of deconditioning. I often refer to it as cleaning out the open Centers.

  • Sailing Neutrino Seas
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Sailing Neutrino Seas

    Many of you already know that Ra Uru Hu was not just a teacher, he was also a musician. His passion was music.

  • The Mind Moves Between the Two
    Mary Ann Winiger Mind and Conditioning

    The Mind Moves Between the Two

    As far back as ancient Greece man has been investigating the human mind. Socrates, Freud and countless others studied the very complex and mysterious mind.

  • On Being Radical
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    On Being Radical

    I was asked a very interesting question the other day about something I had written in my book “A Revolution of One”, a book about the first 10 years of my experiment.

  • Living in a Competitive World - The Open Heart
    Mary Ann Winiger Mind and Conditioning

    Living in a Competitive World - The Open Heart

    I have often heard it said that competition is healthy. Well, healthy for who? Not for the person with the undefined Heart Center.

  • Transformation - The Passenger’s Journey
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Transformation - The Passenger’s Journey

    For those of you who are new to Human Design, there are two sets of information on each side of the BodyGraph on your chart.

  • Timing is Everything
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Timing is Everything

    After all these years, I can say from my own experience that “Timing is Everything”! I have seen the truth of this from my own sacral response.

  • Longing for Enlightenment
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Longing for Enlightenment

    Before Human Design, I had been a seeker. This searching took me to India where I encountered for the first time the word “Enlightenment”.

  • The Deconditioning journey - Trouble in Paradise
    Devon Martin Mind and Conditioning

    The Deconditioning journey - Trouble in Paradise

    My de-conditioning process started in December 2012 when I took a leap of faith to leave my corporate job in New York City. There was a shift in awareness and . . .

  • Money Matters - But at what Cost?
    Devon Martin General

    Money Matters - But at what Cost?

    Is it possible to experience material abundance and also feel at peace, satisfied, successful and even surprised with your life’s work?

  • Understanding Your Innate Role - Why Your Profile is So Important
    Devon Martin Human Design Concepts

    Understanding Your Innate Role - Why Your Profile is So Important

    A journey through the lines from the perspective of the Channel of the Prodigal 13-33: The Design of a Witness

  • What is Love?
    Andrea Abay-Abay Relationships and Parenting

    What is Love?

    Ask a physicist, and they’ll tell you love is chemistry. Ask a romantic, and they’ll tell you it’s a yearning that drives all great fables...

  • Substructure and Birth Time
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Substructure and Birth Time

    We know that there are 64 Hexagrams, and there are six Lines in each Hexagram. But each Line has a subdivision...

  • The Art of Being - Generator
    Andrea Abay-Abay Type

    The Art of Being - Generator

    There is a very simple art to being a Generator. Yet while it may be simple, it's not always easy...

  • The Art of Being - Projector
    Andrea Abay-Abay Type

    The Art of Being - Projector

    How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control: the way your aura operates. What's the art of the Projector aura?

  • Type & Childhood: The Emotional System
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Type & Childhood: The Emotional System

    The first seven years of life marks the most intense time of conditioning, and the Solar Plexus Center so powerfully defines the nature of our being.

  • Split Definitions and Relationships
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Split Definitions and Relationships

    “The only beings on this planet who are equipped by design to be in a relationship are split definitions… I’m a single definition, I know that I don't belong in relationships.”

  • The Wave of Hope and Pain
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Wave of Hope and Pain

    There is nothing that has greater impact in Human Design than the Solar Plexus Center. It is the motor of our emotional nature, and it operates in a wave.

  • Introduction to the Human Design System
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Introduction to the Human Design System

    A comprehensive overview of this profound system covering history, the many facets of the BodyGraph, the importance of Definition, and the power of Conditioning.

  • The Evolving Role of the Projector and the Necessity of Education
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    The Evolving Role of the Projector and the Necessity of Education

    Now is the time for the Projector to take on its role as a new kind of leader - as a Guide, an Advisor. Learn from Ra why education is so important.

  • The Manifestor: To Live a Life with Peace
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    The Manifestor: To Live a Life with Peace

    Ra Uru Hu, himself a Manifestor, covers the essentials of what it means to live the Manifestor life, and how to move from anger to peace.

  • The Defined Emotional System
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Defined Emotional System

    The Solar Plexus Center is one of the body's four motors, and it is extraordinarily powerful. With 50% of humanity emotionally defined, we live in a dense emotional environment.

  • Relationships
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting


    Do you want rewarding relationships? Do you want the problems that you've had in relating with others in the past to disappear?

  • The Hexagram, Profiles, and Harmonies
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Hexagram, Profiles, and Harmonies

    One of the most important things to discover after your Type and Strategy is the framework upon which it is based. In that, we come to the Profile and the Hexagram

  • The Six Lines of the Hexagram
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Six Lines of the Hexagram

    The foundation of Human Design analysis is the Hexagram and its structure. From Profile to Gate and Channel thematics, the six Lines reveal profound information.

  • A Look At Transits
    Ra Uru Hu Transits

    A Look At Transits

    Transits, or the Human Design "weather", are one of the most important aspects of this knowledge. Transits were, in fact, Ra Uru Hu's first "teacher."

  • The Mental Streams
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Mental Streams

    The BodyGraph is a map. Explore how energy flows through the Pressure and Awareness Centers within Circuits and the Mental Streams: Logic, Abstract, and Individual.

  • Human Design is Your Genetic Code
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Human Design is Your Genetic Code

    The Human Design System is not a belief system. It doesn't require that you believe in anything, or that you believe in me. It’s not stories, it’s not a philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being...