Stories & Articles

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Showing 1 to 6 (of 226 items)
  • The I’Ching and the Hexagrams
    Ra Uru Hu Mandala Mechanics

    The I’Ching and the Hexagrams

    When I was first given the knowledge, and I’ve obviously been talking about that a lot recently, one of the areas that was integral to the knowledge and an area that I literally had absolutely no background in was the I’Ching.

  • 2027: A Frequency Shift, New Form of Awareness, and Why Human Design Exists Today
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A Frequency Shift, New Form of Awareness, and Why Human Design Exists Today

    We’re waiting for the tools. And oh boy, are we getting close, around 17 years from now (3 years from now since this was recorded in 2010); very close. Most of us, hopefully, will get to see that. I hope I’m around to see that...

  • Dilemmas of the Mystical Way
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Dilemmas of the Mystical Way

    This circuit, the Mystical Way, obviously could have many names. You could call it the mystical way, the spiritual way, the holy way, the natural way, the this or the that way, whatever you want to call it.

  • Rejection in a Manifestor’s Life
    Ra Uru Hu Type

    Rejection in a Manifestor’s Life

    There's an enormous amount of rejection in a Manifestor's life and not all has to be real. That is, not all of it has to be obvious rejection.

  • The Potential of Dream Analysis
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Potential of Dream Analysis

    Most people, when they think about the potential of dream analysis, they’re just curious about whether you can decipher them into some kind of concrete meaning...

  • Tantric Channels, Kundalini, and the “Divine”
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Tantric Channels, Kundalini, and the “Divine”

    “Tantra” for most people is associated with sex. There were always these questions about what do you mean about these Tantric Channels...

Showing 1 to 6 (of 226 items)