Stories & Articles tagged with Human Design Concepts

Showing 13 to 18 (of 34 items)
  • The Fates and Gate 30
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Fates and Gate 30

    Logic is always seeking the perfect pattern, and the perfect pattern is possible. But for the Abstract, there can be no such thing.

  • The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design

    One of the core aspects, and most extraordinary mysteries of Human Design is the Magnetic Monopole. Within the framework of Human Design, the neutrino and the magnetic monopole allow us to reliably look at how we operate, and the ways the world operates.

  • Introduction to the Gates of Melancholy
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Introduction to the Gates of Melancholy

    As someone who has dealt with melancholy all of my life, and spent most of my life not understanding the nature of melancholy, simply manifesting my way through it, Human Design finally gave me an insight into...

  • The Domain of the Dreamer
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Domain of the Dreamer

    We spend approximately a third of our lives asleep. It seems to be something that is built into nature. There are different forms of life that sleep, and yet, at the same time, science really doesn’t have an explanation.

  • Defining Definition in Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Defining Definition in Human Design

    When I first began introducing Human Design, Definition was the very bedrock of what I tried to explain to people. It really was a way of beginning to introduce what it means to be imprinted...

  • The Magic of the BodyGraph
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Magic of the BodyGraph

    For me, the BodyGraph is really the most fantastic aspect of the Human Design System. It is the only aspect of the mechanical construct that is truly original.

Showing 13 to 18 (of 34 items)