Stories & Articles

Please enjoy our wide selection of free articles on a host of Human Design topics, including testimonials from you, our community.

Showing 205 to 210 (of 230 items)
  • The Mind Moves Between the Two
    Mary Ann Winiger Mind and Conditioning

    The Mind Moves Between the Two

    As far back as ancient Greece man has been investigating the human mind. Socrates, Freud and countless others studied the very complex and mysterious mind.

  • On Being Radical
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    On Being Radical

    I was asked a very interesting question the other day about something I had written in my book “A Revolution of One”, a book about the first 10 years of my experiment.

  • Living in a Competitive World - The Open Heart
    Mary Ann Winiger Mind and Conditioning

    Living in a Competitive World - The Open Heart

    I have often heard it said that competition is healthy. Well, healthy for who? Not for the person with the undefined Heart Center.

  • Transformation - The Passenger’s Journey
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Transformation - The Passenger’s Journey

    For those of you who are new to Human Design, there are two sets of information on each side of the BodyGraph on your chart.

  • Timing is Everything
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Timing is Everything

    After all these years, I can say from my own experience that “Timing is Everything”! I have seen the truth of this from my own sacral response.

  • Longing for Enlightenment
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Longing for Enlightenment

    Before Human Design, I had been a seeker. This searching took me to India where I encountered for the first time the word “Enlightenment”.

Showing 205 to 210 (of 230 items)